Living Life

"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."  John Muir

What is it that draws me to nature?  What has gripped my soul with such a strength that I am consumed by its thoughts both day and night?  Can there be one thing that I can definitively say "this is what it is"?  Is it the trees?  Yes.  Is it the flowers?  Yes.  Is it the lonely turtle meandering down the winding path?  How about the deer jaunting through the trees with a fighter pilot's precision as she is startled by my presence?  Yes.  It is this also.   Or, maybe it is the coolness of mountain air that brings revitalization to a body soaked with the doldrums of city life.  Yes, it is this air that seems to renew my strength with each inhale.  Perhaps it is the view that one gets that may not be observed elsewhere, such as watching the sparkles dance upon a mountain lake during midday, or the clouds tumbling violently over mountain tops for an afternoon is these things that cling to my soul!

Clear to me, upon my return to the city, is the fact that I'll be reminiscing about my most recent trip to the mountains for the foreseeable future.  For the past five days, my son, Jacob, and I have spent quality father/son time in our beautiful state parks throughout North Georgia.  And while our one on one time will prove to be priceless, our time in nature shall find an eternal resting place in our soul as well.

Thank you, God, for such a blessing as this!


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